Đề khảo sát chất lượng lần 1 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 (Hệ 10 năm) - Năm học 2018-2019 - Phòng GD&ĐT Kim Thành (Có đáp án)

V. Read the text and choose the correct answer. (1.0 pt)

Anna’s best friend is called Emma, and Anna wanted to give Emma a birthday party. Emma has never had a birthday party before because her parents usually take her to a restaurant for dinner on her birthday. The party was a secret! (bí mật) On Sunday, the day of Emma’s twelfth birthday, Anna tidied the living room in her house. Her older brother, Ben, and her little brother, Harry, helped her. Then Emma arrived. Anna and Ben shouted ‘Happy Birthday! We’re having a party for you!’ Emma laughed. She was very surprised. Then Anna pointed to the table in the corner of the living room and said ‘Look!’ On the table was a big chocolate birthday cake. ‘Wow!’ said Emma. ‘That looks great! Let’s have some now.’ Anna cut a big piece for Emma first, the some more pieces for her and Ben. She cut a very small piece for Harry because he was only three.

Then Emma opened her presents and after that, they started dancing. Suddenly, Anna stopped and said, ‘Where’s Harry?’ They found him behind the sofa. He had cake and chocolate on his face, hands and clothes. ‘Harry! You naughty boy!’ said Anna. ‘You’ve eaten all the cake!’ But Harry only laughed and said, ‘More cake, more cake!’

‘I think he likes my birthday cake,’ laughed Emma. ‘I did, too!’

1. That was_____ twelfth birthday.

A. Anna’s                                B. Emma’s                  C. Harry

2. Anna, Ben and Harry together tidied _____ in her house. 

A. the living room                    B. the kitchen              C. the dining room

3. Who is younger than Anna?

A. Ben                                     B. Emma                     C. Harry

4. Where did they put the birthday cake before Emma came?

A. on the table in the corner of the living room.

B. under the table in the corner of the living room.    

C. on the table in the dining room.

5. Where did they find Harry during the party?

A. in the bedroom                   B. under the table       C. behind the sofa

doc 3 trang Thủy Chinh 28/12/2023 720
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