Đề kiểm tra học kì II môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Năm học 2016-2017 - Phòng GD&ĐT Tứ Kỳ (Có đáp án)

Part 3. Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B or C). (1pt) 
Two of the most dangerous storms which affect America are hurricanes and tornadoes. They are very much feared by anyone who may live in the path of their destruction.  Every year homes are destroyed by their fury and often lives are lost. Most people who live near the coast are forced to evacuate their homes and to move to safer areas until the storm passes. Floods are caused along the coasts by both the heavy rain and a storm tide that is considerably above normal water level. The high winds, coastal flooding and heavy rains associated with a hurricane cause enormous damage.  Hurricanes usually develop between July and October. Once they hit land they carry tremendous power with driving rain and wind.  Tornadoes are violent low-pressured storms. These storms occur most often during the summer months and are noticeable by their strong wind and lack of rain. The sky turns black as dust is sucked up' into the air. Tornadoes are capable of lifting quite heavy objects from the ground. They can pick up trees and cars right into the air and even uplift heavier objects such as homes and railway cars.  Both hurricanes and tornadoes cause millions of dollars worth of damage to life and property every year. Today they can be predicted more easily than in the past, but they cannot be stopped or ignored. 
1. What are two of the most dangerous storms which affect America? 
A. Thunderstorms and hurricanes. B. Hurricanes and tornadoes. C. Hurricanes and typhoons. 
2. At which part of the year do hurricanes usually develop? 
A. Between July and October. B. July and August only. C. All the year round 
3. What is the major similarity of both a hurricane and a tornado? 
A. They cover only a small area. B. They have either wind or speed. C. They can cause great damage. 
4. Which of the following is true of tornadoes and hurricanes? 
A. They can be predicted today with greater accuracy.         B. They cannot be predicted with accuracy. 
C. They are easier to control today than in the past. 
5. Which of the following was not mentioned in the article? 
A. The tremendous power of these storms. B. The damage caused by hurricanes and tornadoes. 
C. The number of people killed each year by these storms
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