Đề kiểm tra học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THPT Gia Nghĩa - Mã đề thi 273

Câu 1:  I seldom visit art galleries .I’m not very____________________ in art.

A. to interest                   B. interest                       C. interesting                   D. interested

Câu 2:  Language and music make humans different_________ all other animals.

A. from                           B. of                               C. with                            D. by

Câu 3:   You should put your money in a bank _________ keep it safe.

A. so that                        B. in order that                C. in order to                   D. so as

Câu 4:  Didn’t you think it was an _________________ film?

A. amused                      B. amusing                      C. amuse                         D. to amuse

Câu 5:  Music makes a funeral more solemn and mournful.

A. interesting                  B. excited                       C. sad                             D. joyful

Câu 6:  We haven’t had any __________ with him for several years.

A. expression                  B. entertainment              C. excitement                  D. communication

Câu 7:  Lan: .......................................................

doc 2 trang Hữu Vượng 29/03/2023 2940
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  • docde_kiem_tra_hoc_ki_2_mon_tieng_anh_lop_10_nam_hoc_2017_2018.doc