Đề thi thử tuyển sinh vào Lớp 10 THPT môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Phòng GD&ĐT Tứ Kỳ (Có đáp án)

II/ Read the passage. Choose the option A, B or C that best fits each gap . (1 pt)

English is one of the most popular (1)__________ in the world. It comes second in the number of speakers after Chinese. In Viet Nam, more and more people are (2) ________ English, because it is considered a key to success. The best way to improve the (3) __________ skills, speaking, listening, writing, reading, is to practice regularly. You should make use of every opportunity to speak English with friends in class or at English speaking clubs or even with yourselves (4) ________ front of the mirror. Learning by heart all the words does not help much if you do not read a lot (5) ___________ you will easily forget what you have learnt. Reading books, listening to the radio and watching films are the best ways to memorize words.

doc 7 trang Thủy Chinh 27/12/2023 1580
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Nội dung text: Đề thi thử tuyển sinh vào Lớp 10 THPT môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Phòng GD&ĐT Tứ Kỳ (Có đáp án)

  1. 1. When he was a little boy, he walks to school with his friends. A B C D 2. I wish I don’t have to work hard everyday. A B C D 3. Mrs. Thu said that her students were studying Math now. A B C D 4. They are working hard, so they want to buy a new car. A B C D 5. My father usually works in the factory at 7.30 am to 4.30 pm. A B C D B. READING I. Which notice (A-F) says this (1-5) (1pt) A 1. We don’t want any money yet. ALL THIS WEEK BUY 5 GET 1 FREE 2. Drivers mustn’t go fast. B KEEP IN REFRIGERATOR C 3. Put this in a cold place. 4. You shouldn’t leave your car here. D DO NOT PARK IN FRONT OF THE GARAGE E BUY NOW 5. These are cheaper if you buy several PAY NEXT YEAR of them, F II/ Read the passage. Choose the option A, B or C that best fits each gap . (1 pt) 5
  2. 1. They export a lot of rice every year. -> A lot of rice ___ 2. "Do you go to school on foot?" Mrs. Hoa asked me. -> Mrs. Hoa asked me ___ 3. I don’t have a computer. -> I wish ___ 4. Work hard, or you can’t pass the exam. -> If you ___ 5. Her English is good because she watches English programs on TV every day. -> She watches ___ II. Write a paragraph of about 100 – 150 words to support an argument that secondary school students should wear casual clothes at school. (1.5 pts) You may follow the outline: - make students feel comfortable. - give students freedom of choice (sizes, colors, fashions, ect ) - make students feel confident when they are in their favorite clothes. - make school more colorful and lively. ___The end___ - Họ tên thí sinh: ___ SBD : ___ - Giám thị 1 : ___ Kí tên: ___ - Giám thị 2 : ___ Kí tên: ___ 7