Đề thi Olympic các trường DTNT cấp Tỉnh môn Tiếng anh lớp 10 - Trường PTDTNT Cư Jut - Năm 2015-2016 - Đề đề xuất (Có đáp án)

Câu 1:     A .motion               B. production           C. position             D. question

Câu 2:     A. film                      B. history                 C. time                      D. still

Câu 3:     A. worked               B. talented              C. appreciated           D. rejuvenated

Câu 4:     A. played                  B. loved                    C. parked                  D. stayed

Câu 5:     A. houses                  B. roses                     C. washes                 D. pubs

Câu 6:     A. touch                    B. young                   C. enough                 D. group

Câu 7:     A. music                   B. discuss                 C. serious                 D. sense

Câu 8:     A. stream                  B. heavy                   C. ready                    D. head

Câu 9:     A. located                 B. wicked                 C. naked                   D. loved

Câu 10:   A. bags                      B. books                   C. cooks                    D. laughs

doc 7 trang Hữu Vượng 29/03/2023 4920
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Nội dung text: Đề thi Olympic các trường DTNT cấp Tỉnh môn Tiếng anh lớp 10 - Trường PTDTNT Cư Jut - Năm 2015-2016 - Đề đề xuất (Có đáp án)

  1. Many historians of science argue not only that technology is an essential condition of advanced, industrial civilization (85) ___ also that the rate of technological change has developed its (86) ___ momentum in recent centuries. Innovations now (87) ___ to appear at a rate that increases geometrically, (88) ___ respect to geographical limits or political systems. These innovations tend to transform traditional cultural (89) ___, frequently with unexpected social consequences. Thus technology can be conceived as both a creative and a destructive (90) ___. C. Read the passage below carefully, and then select the correct option A, B, C or D: The World Wide Web was developed by British physicist and computer scientist Timothy Berners-Lee as a project within the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland. Berners-Lee combined several existing ideas into a single system to make it easier for physicists to use data on the Internet. Most important, he added multimedia—the ability to include graphics—to the hyperlink concept found in a previous Internet service known as gopher. Berners-Lee had begun working with hypertext in the early 1980s. An early prototype implementation of the Web became operational at CERN in 1989, and the idea quickly spread to universities in the rest of the world. Groups at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign researched and extended Web technology. They developed the first browser that was used at many sites, named Mosaic, in 1993. To allow the Web to be accessed from a wide variety of computer systems, researchers built multiple versions of Mosaic. Each version was designed to be used with a specific operating system, the software that controls the computer. Within a year, computer programmer Marc Andreessen had formed a commercial company, Netscape Communications Corporation, to build and sell Web technologies. Câu 91: The World Wide Web was developed by A. an American B. a British C. a Canadian D. a French Câu 92: The scientist who developed the World Wide Web was majoring in A. math and physics B. math and computer C. computer and physics D. math, physics and computer Câu 93: Which sentence below is not correct? A. Timothy Berners-Lee spoke English very well. B. Timothy Berners-Lee was born in Geneva, Switzerland. C. Timothy Berners-Lee was the first person to develop WWW. D. Some existing ideas were combined into a single system by him. Câu 94: Which word means “a connection that allows you to move easily between two computer documents or two pages on the Internet”? A. graphic B. datum C. project D. hyperlink Câu 95: Which sentence is not correct? A. “hypertext” means “a way of joining a word or image to another page, document, etc. on the Internet or in another computer program so that you can move from one to the other easily” B. Berners-Lee had begun working with hypertext in the early 1980s. C. An early prototype implementation of the Web became operational at CERN in 1989. D. The idea slowly spread to universities in the rest of the world. Câu 96: Who researched and extended Web technology? A. Groups at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign B. The European Organization for Nuclear Research C. Timothy Berners-Lee Trang 5/7 - Mã đề thi JJ
  2. HẾT Trang 7/7 - Mã đề thi JJ