Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi Tỉnh môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 THCS - Năm học 2011-2012 - Sở GD&ĐT Hải Dương

III. Read the following passage and answer the questions below. (5 points)

Wave power

Cumbre Vieja, a huge, active volcano on La Palma in the Canary Islands erupts every few decades, and scientists are worried because the walls of the volcano are getting weaker. Scientists fear that when it erupts, one side of the volcano could collapse and fall into the sea. If this happened, it would be a catastrophe. Why? Because it would cause a tsunami – an enormous wave – the biggest ever recorded in history.

How would it happen?

The volcano is by the sea, and the water next to the volcano is about six kilometers deep. If the volcano collapsed, 500 billion tonnes of rock would fall into the sea. This would create a huge tsunami about 100 meters high.

What would happen next?

The wave would travel away from the Canary Islands in all directions at about 800 km/h. The other Canary Islands would immediately be covered by water. In less than an hour a 90-meter wave would hit north-west Africa. The side of the volcano faces west, across Atlantic Ocean, which would protect Europe a little. However, a 12-meter tsunami would still reach Lisbon within three hours. After five hours it would reach Britain.  The wave could travel a kilometer inland, and devastate towns and villages. London would be flooded.

 How far would it travel?

The wave would have enough energy to travel right across the Atlantic Ocean. Eight hours after the eruption it would hit the east coast of America. It would still be about 30 meters high. Boston would be hit first, followed by New York, then the coast down to Miami. The wave would cause a lot of damage in the Caribbean and Brazil too. It would travel for several kilometers inland because the coast is very flat. It would destroy everything and kill thousands of people.

doc 4 trang Thủy Chinh 27/12/2023 1080
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