Đề kiểm tra học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Trường THPT Gia Nghĩa - Mã đề thi 456

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. (from 1  to 19)

Câu 1:   Mai and I have decided to have a party. We___________________ lots of people.

A. will invited                 B. will invite                   C. are going to invite       D. are going to invited

Câu 2:  Language and music make humans different_________ all other animals.

A. of                               B. by                               C. from                           D. with

Câu 3:  That bag looks heavy. I ________________ you carry it.

A. am going to help         B. will help                     C. help                            D. am going

Câu 4:  Lan: .......................................................

      Hoa: I like classical music.

A. When do you listen to music?                             B. What kind of music do you like?

C. How often do you listen to music?                      D. Why do you like classical music?

doc 2 trang Hữu Vượng 29/03/2023 2880
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  • docde_kiem_tra_hoc_ki_2_mon_tieng_anh_lop_10_nam_hoc_2017_2018.doc