Đề kiểm tra 45 phút môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Tuần 31+32 - Năm học 2016-2017 (Có đáp án)

A. OBJECTIVES:           

 1. Knowledge  : 

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to do a text themselves. The knowledge involved  Unit 8,9) After the lesson, Ss can finish their test and teacher will be able to find out what Ss learnt well and what they didn't learn well to control methods to help Ss learn better.

+Grammar: connectives, phrasal verbs, tenses, conditional sentences, adverb clauses of reason, relative pronouns…

+ Vocabulary :

2. Skills: To develop listening, reading and writing skills.

3. Attitude: To help Ss be happy to deal with English.

4. Competence development: Ss may develop their language, do their test well

 Induvidual competency

  Self study           

  The capacity to use language

doc 17 trang Thủy Chinh 26/12/2023 1140
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  1. II. Listen and write.(1p) B. Vocabulary - Grammar - Language functions. Circle the best answer A, B, C to complete the sentence. (2ps) 1)The city . was struck by earthquakes in 1995 in Japan is Kobe. a.which b.who c.where d. whose 2) are the results of an abrupt shift in the underwater movement of the earth. a.Tornadoes b.Typhoons c. Earthquake d. Tidal wave 3.I understand your point of view. I don’t agree with it. a. Although b. therefore c. however d. so that 4. I congratulate Susan passing her exam. a. for b. on c. of d. at 5.Atlanta is the city .the Olympic Games were held in 1996
  2. Seldom do you find a place nowadays that is not polluted. This problem is growing more difficult every day. We must find a good solution that makes the world a better place to live. 1. We hear, see and read about problems in the world A. once a week B. every day C. every week 2. What causes the air pollution? A. fumes, poisonous gases and waste B. poisonous gases and waste C. fumes and waste 3. The sea has become polluted because of A. oil spills B. factories wastes ` C. oil spills and factories wastes 4. The problem of pollution is . A. simpler B. more difficult C. unnecessary to talk 5. In order to make the world a better place to live, we A. should not prevent pollution B. should find a good solution C. should kill the fish D. Writing. I- Finish the second sentences so that it has the same meaning with the first one. (1.5ps) 1. The boy is Tung. He is wearing a red hat. (who) 2. He told me about the hat. He bought it at the shop yesterday. (which) 3. Anh has an English test tomorrow. She watches TV. (even though) 4. It is raining heavily. My mother has to go to work. (though) 5. Work hard and you won’t worry about the test.(If) II. Write a passage in 80 to 120 words to share your opinion about “How to protect our environment.” Use the given suggestions: (1.5ps) - use public transport - don’t throw rubbish everywhere - plant trees the end
  3. Week: 32 Preparing day:28/3/2017 Period: 59 Teaching day:5/4/2017 WRITTEN Test 45 minutes - No.4 A. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to do a text themselves. The knowledge involved Unit 8,9) After the lesson, Ss can finish their test and teacher will be able to find out what Ss learnt well and what they didn't learn well to control methods to help Ss learn better. +Grammar: connectives, phrasal verbs, tenses, conditional sentences, adverb clauses of reason, relative pronouns + Vocabulary : 2. Skills: To develop listening, reading and writing skills. 3. Attitude: To help Ss be happy to deal with English. 4. Competence development: Ss may develop their language, do their test well Induvidual competency Self study The capacity to use language B. TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION: 1. Teacher’s preparation: questions 2. Students’ preparation: knowledge C. PROCEDURE 1.Class roll call 2.Giving Test
  4. sentences Số câu hỏi 5 5 10 Số điểm 1, 1,5 5 3,0 (30%) Write a new Write a sentence as passage to similar as share your possible in opinion WRITING meaning to the about “How original to protect sentence. our environmen t Số câu hỏi 5 5 10 Số điểm 1,5 1,5 3,0 (30%) Tổng số câu Số câu 5 Số câu 25 Số câu 10 Số câu 40 Tổng số điểm Số điểm 1,0 Số điểm 6,0 Số điểm 3,0 Số điểm 10 Tỉ lệ % 10% 60% 30 % 100%u:21 0
  5. II. Listen and write.(1p) B. Vocabulary - Grammar - Language functions. Circle the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentence. (2ps) 1. A worker is a person .works in a factory. A. who B. which C. whom D. whose 2. I suggest money for the poor people in our neighborhood. A. save B. to save C. saving D. saved 3. They have to go to school it is raining very hard. A. and B. though C. if D. because 4. Our streets will be clean if A. people will stop littering. B. people are stop littering. C. people stop littering. D. people stops littering. 5. Typhoon is the word for tropical storm in A. North and South America B. Asia C. Australia D. Europe
  6. Seldom do you find a place nowadays that is not polluted. This problem is growing more difficult every day. We must find a good solution that makes the world a better place to live. 1. We hear, see and read about problems in the world A. once a week B. every day C. every week 2. What causes the air pollution? A. fumes, poisonous gases and waste B. poisonous gases and waste C. fumes and waste 3. The sea has become polluted because of A. oil spills B. factories wastes ` C. oil spills and factories wastes 4. The problem of pollution is . A. simpler B. more difficult C. unnecessary to talk 5. In order to make the world a better place to live, we A. should not prevent pollution B. should find a good solution C. should kill the fish D. Writing. I- Finish the second sentences so that it has the same meaning with the first one. (1.5ps) 1. The girls are Hoa and Trang. They are wearing red hats. (who) 2. He told me about the book. He bought it at the shop yesterday. (which) 3. Thanh has an English test tomorrow. She watches TV. (even though) 4. It is raining heavily. My mother has to go to the bank. (though) 5. Work hard or you will fail the exam.(If) II. Write a passage in 80 to 120 words about one celebration in your country ” Use the given suggestions: (1.5ps) - Tet in Viet Nam: - When it occurs - Activities: -make Chung cake,decorate the house,buy new clothes, - visit relatives,friends -Feeling about Tet in your country the end