Đề kiểm tra 45 phút môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 7 (Đề 3) - Năm học 2012-2013 - Trường THCS Kim Tân

IV. Reading: Read the passage then answer the questions (2,5p).

Look at the picture of Nga’s family. There are five peole in the picture. This is her father. He’s fifty-five, and he’s an engineer. This is her mother. She’s fifty.She is a teacher. And here is her brother. He is twenty-four, and now he is a doctor. This is her sister. She is fifteen, and she is a student.

  1. How many  people are there in in the picture?
  2. How old is her father?
  3. What does he do?
  4. What does her mother do?
  5. Is Lan’s brother fifteen years old?
doc 3 trang Thủy Chinh 28/12/2023 980
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