Đề khảo sát chất lượng lần 1 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Phòng GD&ĐT Kim Thành (Có đáp án)

IIRead the passage. Choose the option A, B or C that best fits each gap . (1 pt)

English is one of the most popular (26)__________ in the world. It comes second in the number of speakers after Chinese. In Viet Nam, more and more people are (27) _______ English, because it is considered a key to success. The best way to improve the (28) __________ skills: speaking, listening, writing, reading, is to practice regularly. You should make use of every opportunity to speak English with friends in class or at English speaking clubs or even with yourselves (29) ________ front of the mirror. Learning by heart all the words does not help much if you do not read a lot (30) ___________ you will easily forget what you have learnt. Reading books, listening to the radio and watching films are the best ways to memorize words.

doc 4 trang Thủy Chinh 28/12/2023 600
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