Bài tập ôn tập lần 1 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Năm học 2019-2020 (Có đáp án)

EXERCISE II: Add tag questions to the following.

1. They want to come,......................?

2. Elizabeth is a dentist, ....................?

3. They won't be here, .....................?

4. That is your umbrella, ......................?

5. There aren't many people here yet, .................?

6. He has a bicycle,........................?

7. Peter would like to come with us to the party, ..........................?

8. Those aren't Fred's books, .........?

9. You have never been to Paris,............?

10. Something is wrong with Jane today, ............?

11. Everyone can learn how to swim, ..................?

12. Nobody cheated in the exam, .......................?

13. Nothing went wrong while I was gone, ............?

14. I am invited, ......................?

15. This bridge is not very safe,.................?

16. These sausages are delicious, ................?

17. You haven't lived here long, ............?

18. The weather forecast wasn't very good, ................?

docx 3 trang Thủy Chinh 28/12/2023 860
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  • docxbai_tap_on_tap_lan_1_mon_tieng_anh_lop_9_nam_hoc_2019_2020_c.docx