50 Đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Năm học 2012-2013 -Nguyễn Thị Thuận (Có đáp án)

Question VII: (10 points) Fill in the gap with one suitable word to complete the paragraph. 

Nowadays a lot of important inventions (1)..............carried out by scientists (2)............for a large industrial firms. (3)................, there are still opportunities (4) .............other people to invent various things. In Britain, (5).............is a weekly television program which attempts to show (6).............the various devices which people have recently (7)................. . The people organizing the program receive (8)................about 700 inventions a year. New ideas can still be developed (9)............private inventors. However, it is important to consider these (10).............: Will it work? Will it be wanted? Is it new?

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Nội dung text: 50 Đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Năm học 2012-2013 -Nguyễn Thị Thuận (Có đáp án)

  1. 9. You should look your child carefully. 10. her leg was broken, she couldn’t walk to school. VIII/ Use a same meaning word or phrase to replace the underlined one. (10p) 1. My teacher reminded us not to forget to redrill our lesson. 2. My mother is most beautiful. 3. He asked what he should do with his car. 4.This is the building in which he met his wife. 5. As he drank too much wine, he was drunk. IX/ Fill a suitable word in each blank to complete the passage. (10p) Many thousands of children have (1) in their homes.As a result some children die. The most common accidents are with (2) and hot water. Small children often touch pots of (3) water on the stove. The pots fall over and the hot water falls on the children and (4) them. Some children like to (5) with fire. They enjoy striking matches or throwing things on fire to make it burn brightly. If the fire gets too big, it gets out of (6) Then the house (7) fire. It is very (8) to play with matches. When a child strikes a match, the flame soon burn near his (9) Then he (10) the match on the floor.Many houses catch fire in this way. New words: - match: diªm -> strike match: ®¸nh diªm -flame: ng#n l#a - stove: bÕp lß X/ There is one mistake in each following sentence . Find and correct it.(10p) 1. Of the two box, this one is the bigger. 2. The faster we finish, the soon we can leave. 3. The food in my country is tastier than the United States. 4. I want to buy a pair of shoes the same style like these I’m wearing. 5. It was very kind of you for help me. 6. I was made work hard by my teacher. 7. She said she saw him the day before. 8. This is the woman who I often meet on the way to my school. 9. How are you?- I’m good. 10. You hadn’t better eat too much meat. ĐỂ SỐ 9 I. Circle the letter A, B, C or D before the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each line. 1- A. candy B. sandy C. many D. handy 2- A. given B. risen C. ridden D. whiten 3. A. vacation B. association C. language D. separate 4. A. comprise B. Chinese C. primary D. addition 5. A. wealth B. meat C. peaceful D. beaches II. Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences. 1. Sending emails is a/ an way to communicate with other people. A. effective B. dangerous C. interested D. happy 2. I had my watch . A. steal B. to steal C. be stolen D. stolen 5 Đồng Ngọc Long 2013
  2. practical (8.___) wear uniforms. It doesn’t take you time to think of (9. ___) to wear every day. In conclusion, all students, from (10.___) to high schools should wear uniforms. V. Give the correct form of the bolded words in brackets. 1. Bien Hoa is an ___ city in the south of VietNam. ( industry ) 2. She felt alone and ___. ( friend ) 3. English and French are Canada’s ___ language. ( office ) 4. He wants to make a good ___ on everyone he meets.( impress ) 5. I had my trouser ___ because it is too short. ( long ) 6. How serious is her ___ ? ( ill ) 7. ___ is a source of income for radio, TV and newspapers. ( advertise ) 8. My sister wears nice and new clothes. She looks very ___. (fashion ) 9. There used to be a big tree at the ___ to this village. ( enter ) 10. Jeans made in China are sometimes ___ cheap. ( surprise) VI. Each sentence has one mistake, underline it then correct it. ( Do as example ) 0. My brother are going to the cinema at the moment 0 . is . 1- I haven’t seen my grand parents since a quarter of a year. 1 2- A new shop was opening on Main Street last week . 2 3- His teacher encouraged him taking part in the competition. 3 4- My family used to be having dinner at 7 o’clock in the evening. 4 5- I wish I can go with you to the countryside next week. 5 VII. Read this passage carefully then answer the questions below. Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, is a city of contrasts. It is an exciting, crowded, modern city and at the same time, a city that is full of history. The streets of Bangkok are usually noisy and crowded with people. Some are selling food, other selling clothing, cassette tapes, flowers, or souvenirs. Visitors love the river markets, the beautiful temples and architecture, and the nightlife. They also enjoy the food, the shopping, and the friendly Thai people. Everyone seems to smile there. Most of the year, Bangkok is hotter than any other capital city in Asia, but from December to February, the weather is cooler and much more comfortable. Actually, it is an interesting city to visit at any time of the year. The shopping is excellent, and the price is cheaper than in many other large cities in south-east Asia. There is always plenty to do in Bangkok any time of the day or night from watching Thai dancing or boxing to taking a boat trip on the river or trying some of the delicious and spicy food. And if you get tired of the city and the traffic, there are beautiful beaches only two hours away by bus. 1. Where is Bangkok? . 2. How are the streets of Bangkok? . 3. What is the weather like in Bangkok in January? . 4. Can visitors come to visit Bangkok all the year round? . 5. How long does it take visitors from Bangkok to the beaches by bus? . 7 Đồng Ngọc Long 2013
  3. 2. I / just / get / wonderful / news. 3. I / pass / final examination / university. 4. My / father / be / very pleased/ when he/ hear this. 5. He/ already / promise / pay holiday / abroad / if / I pass. 6. So/ I / come / England. 7. I / like / study / English / school / near / home. 8. I / look / for / advance course / perhaps / three / four / hours / day. 9. You / help / me / find / one /? / 10. I / look / forward / see / you / soon. The end ĐỂ SỐ 10 PART I : LISTENING COMPREHENSION : ( 2.0 pts ) Question 1 : Listen to the passage then state whether the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE. The passage will be read twice : 1. April Fool’s Day is only kept in Britain and the United States. 2. April Fool’s Day was started in the beginning of the 13th century. 3. On April Fool’s Day, people tell others false things or play jokes to make them laugh. 4. April Fool’s Day is only played on April 1st. Question 2 : Listen to the passage then pick out ONE best option ( A,B,C or D ) to complete each sentence. The passage will be read twice : 1. Most people are familiar with lotus because : A. it is the biggest water plant. B. it is planted in the Botanic Gardens. C. it is beautiful and useful. D. it is planted everywhere in the countryside. 2. The lotus flower : A. is always pink. B. may have various colours when it is cultivated. C. is not used in Singapore. D. is less valuable than its edible products. 9 Đồng Ngọc Long 2013
  4. 7. This is a national race for ancient motor-cars and motor-cycles from London to Brighton. 8. On the early days of motor-cars, drivers had to wear red clothes when driving their cars. Question 4 : These announcements appear at some places only. Match each announcement ( 1 – 8 ) with a proper place ( A – J ) where it usually appears : Announcements Appearing places 1. No smoking – Inflamable ! A. In a school-yard 2. Keep silent B. On an airplane 3. Keep out of reach of children C. At a gas station 4. For over 18 years old only D. On the fence of a military base 5. No smoking – Fasten your seat E. On a box or bottle of medicine belt F. At the gate of a supermarket 6. Be aware of bears ! G. In a hospital 7. Dangerous ! High voltage ! H. On electric posts 8. No picture allowed I. At the entrance of forest J. At movie or cinema halls Question 5 : Fill in each numbered blank with ONE word chosen from the list below to complete the meaning of the passage : Baked , single , rich , restaurants , besides , includes , leaves , they , children , favourite BIRTHDAYS IN ENGLAND Birthdays are celebrated with friends and family, and are usually geared towards children although adults also enjoy celebrating their birthdays. A lot of people who have young ( 1 ) no longer have birthday parties at home.Now they go to fast-food ( 2 ) like McDonald’s or Wacky Warehouse because children’s playgrounds are there. Also ( 3 ) hold them in pubs or community centers which can hold more guests. Food served at these parties usually ( 4 ) a birthday cake, which is sometimes called “ Fortune Telling Cake” because small charms are mixed into the batter before the cake is .( 5 ) These little objects all have symbolic meanings. For instance, a slice of cake with a coin in it means you will be ( 6 ) .Trifle, sausage rolls, cheese and pineapple on a stick, cocktail sausages and sandwiches are other ( 7 ) party foods. Today’s popular birthday gifts might be computer games like Nintendo, Sony or Sega ( 8 ) the traditional gifts of books or clothing or money. PART III : GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY : ( 8.0 pts ) Question 6 : 1. Pick out ONE word that has the underlined syllable pronounced differently from the others in each case : 11 Đồng Ngọc Long 2013
  5. 5. This winter is colder than the last winter. The last winter 6. People all over the country have helped the poor people in the flood region. The poor people 7. It’s cold in the morning, so the children go to school in heavy clothes. Because of 8. David has read a lot of books, however, he cannot find a good solution. Although . PART IV :WRITING ( 4.0 pts ) Question 10 : Write a short passage of argument ( about 100- 120 words ) to persuade your friends to go to school by bicycle. ( while some students like going to school by motor-cycle) Question 11 : Your classmates are having a discussion on “ What should we do to protect the environment?”. Rewrite the conversation in about 15- 20 conversational exchanges. ĐỂ SỐ 12 I. Listen. Then complete the notes: (2ms) Our oceans are becoming extremely polluted. Most of this pollution comes from the land, which means it comes from people. Firstly, there is raw sewage, which is pumped directly into the sea. Many countries, both developed and developing, are guilty of doing this. Secondly, ships drop about 6 million tons of garbage into the sea each year. Thirdly, there are oil spills from ships. A ship has an accident and oil leaks from the vessel. This not only pollutes the water, but it also kills marine life. Next, there are waste materials from factories. Without proper regulations, factory owners let the waste run directly into the rivers, which then leads to the sea. And finally, oil is washed from the land. This can be the result of carelessness or a deliberate dumping of waste./. HOW THE OCEAN IS POLLUTED Firstly: Secondly: Thirsly: Next: Finally: II. Complete the text with a suitable word for each space:(2ms) More than hundred years ago, the term “environmental pollution” (1) . quite strange to (2) They lived healthily, drank pure water, and breathed (3) air. Nowadays, the situation is quite different. People all over the world are worried about things that are happening to the environment. Actually it is man that is destroying 13 Đồng Ngọc Long 2013
  6. 3. It was too cold for children to go to school. It was not 4. You are unfit because you don’t do enough execise. If 5. At the weekend I get up later than during the week. During the week I 6. We have to water these young trees during the dry season. These young trees 7. It was such good milk that we couldn’t stop drinking it The milk 8. This kitchen is different from mine This kitchen is not VI. Use the cues given to write the sentences which make a complete letter: (2ms) Dear Ann, 1. I/ write/ letter/ thank/ you/ your family/ what/ receive. 2. It/ be/ most/ interesting/ time/ have/ England. 3. I/ grateful/ you/ help/ improve/ English. 4. I/ home/ yesterday evening. 5. I/ hope/ find/ suitable work /Hanoi. 6. Give/ regards/ parents and Jack. 7. Thank/ again/ you/ do. 8. I/ look/ forward/ see/ you/ Vietnam. Yours sincerely, Hoa. VII. Rewrite the questions using comparative and superlatives: ( 3ms) 1. What / long / river / the world ? 2. Who / clever / girl / in your class? 3. Which / cheap / bananas or apples? 4. What / exciting / film / you have ever seen? 5. Which / easy / Maths or History? 6. Who / old / person / your house? 15 Đồng Ngọc Long 2013
  7. 3. We got our car yesterday. A. wash B. to wash C. washing D. washed 4. Get me some stamps, ? A. have you B. will you C. do you D. don’t you 5. Some large cities have measured to air pollution. A. fight B. minimize C. cover D. grow 6. When Bill retires, he’s going to golf. A. take after B. take off C. take down D. take up 7. He drank only water. A. a lot of B. much C. a little D. less 8. I’d like to . an appointment to see the doctor. A. do B. say C. organize D. make 9. It isn’t quite . that he will be present at the meeting. A. interested B. certain C. exact D. right 10. Paper money for over a thousand years. A. used B. is used C. has used D. has been used 11. The dentist told me more careful when I brushed my teeth. A. have been B. being C. be D. to be 12. When Lan looked in her purse she found her ring had been A. stolen B. thieved C. robbed D. broken 13. Tom can speak two languages. One is English. is French. A. Other B. Another C. The other D. Others 14. Did you ask your father some money? A. after B. for C. in D. at 15. The children kept about the clowns that they liked most of all. A. talking B. talked C. to talk D. talk 16. I’m sorry, I forgot ___ your letter. It is still here, in my pocket. A. post B. to post C. posting D. posted 17. If you ___ forty cigarettes a day, you would cough a lot. A. smoke B. smoked C. would smoke D. smoking 18. Vietnamese women today often prefer to wear modern clothing at work ___ it is more convenient. A. although B. however C. as D. moreover 19.There isn’t .food in the house. A. none B. no C. some D. any 20.Hoa had made plans she returned to Hanoi. A. when B. after C. as soon as D. before Section 3: Supply the correct form of the words in brackets. (2.5pts) 1. The gas from the chemical factory was .harmful. (EXTREME) 2. Pablo Picasso was a very artist. (CREATE) 3. It’s . of motorists to drink and drive. (RESPONSIBILITY) 4. I found the whole experience absolutely . (EMBARRASS) 5. Since . has been so poor the class is being closed. (ATTEND) 6. It’s hard to imagine the .of hand phones nowadays. (POPULAR) 7. He gets angry if you with his idea. (AGREE) 8. Some designers have . the Ao dai by printing lines of poetry on it. (MODERN) 9. Her boring essay is the . one that I have ever read. (LENGTH) 17 Đồng Ngọc Long 2013
  8. Section 2: Read the text and fill only one suitable word in each blank. (2pts) Bill Gates is a very important person in the (1) . industry. He (2) . been chief executive officer of Microsoft Corporation for several years. He is (3) the richest person in the world. How did he do it? He learned a lot (4) his parents. While Bill was going to school, his father went to college, got a degree, and (5) a successful lawyer. From this, Bill learned that you have to work hard (6) you want something. His mother was a very busy teacher, but she enjoyed (7) to parties. From this, he learned something else: (8) you want to work hard and play hard, you have to (9) . a schedule. When Bill was young, he spent a lot of time alone. (10) most of his friends were playing, Bill read all of the World Book Encyclopedia and (11) it when he was eight years old. Bill’s childhood was not all work, (12) . He (13) . to play a lot of sports- swimming, water, skiing, tennis. He was very serious (14) sports. He loved winning and he hated (15) . When Bill got older he spent more and more (16) working- and playing- (17) a computer. Before he was twenty, Bill developed the world’s first computer (18) for the personal computer. Once he was thinking about the future, he realised something important. He thought that every home was (19) . to have a computer, and every computer would (20) . software- his software. He said, “I’m going to make my first million dollars on software by the time I’m 25.” And he did. *Answer: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 .12 13 14 15 16 .17 18 19 20 IV/ WRITING (5pts) Section 1: Complete the following letter using the words or phrases provided. (2pts) 50 Batement Street Oxford Dear Jane, I write/tell/how much/enjoy/few hours I spend/you and your family last week 1) I/be/England since/beginning/October and this/be/first invitation to dinner/English family 2) I find/conversation/interesting/and I/glad/practice/English 3) I’d also/like/congratulate you/excellent cooking 4) I/grateful/helpful information/you/give/courses/English 5) I hope/find/suitable school/next few days 6) You give/best wishes/parents? 7) I/look/see/you next month 8) 19 Đồng Ngọc Long 2013
  9. “No, and I’m not sure ___ it is.” A. who B. whose C. which D. that 16. They left the restaurant because there was nothing on the ___ they wanted to eat. A. list B. program C. menu D. catalogue Question 2: Circle the letter of the word(s) that is different. (1.25 pts): Example: 0. A. Sunday B. Friday C. June D. Tuesday 1. A. downtown # B. cottage # C. suburbs # D. village # 2. A. government #B. relaxation # C. survival # D. organize # 3. A. professor # B. student # C. teacher # D. schedule # 4. A. luckily # B. fortunately # C. carelessly # D. comfortable # 5. A. department store # B. bakery # C. supermarket # D. shopping mall # 6. A. manager # B. cash register # C. salesperson # D. customer # 7. A. artist # B. music # C. inventor # D. cyclist # 8. A. star # B. plot # C. extra # D. director # 9. A. full-time # B. permanent # C. part-time # D. retire # 10. A. patience # B. fortunate # C. lucky # D. careful # Question 3: Complete the word in the sentence. (1.25 pts): Example: The audience loved the show. 1. It’s 3:30; I must p___ up my children from school. 2. Discip___ in schools isn’t as strict today as it used to be. 3. If you want to get in shape, why don’t you t___up tennis? 4. I have always loved the violin. As a child, I thought of becoming a v___. 5. We buy so much that we always need a shopping c___ in the supermarket. 6. It’s too expensive for me to live on my own, so I want to m___ back home. 7. My exams start next week. I must r___ my notes over the weekend. 8. The meal was terrible. We should c___ to the manager. 9. Students are sent to the principal if they don’t b___ in class. 10. Who is in c___ of this department? Question 4: Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. (2.5 pts): 1. As soon as she arrives, we (have) ___ dinner. 2. If we stayed in tonight, what ___ we (do)___ ? 3. She said that she (call)___ back later. 4. My father (smoke)___ a lot, but he quit ten years ago. 5. My car (repair)___ at the moment. I had an accident last week. 6. The movie star’s picture (take)___ when he was shopping with his girlfriend. 21 Đồng Ngọc Long 2013
  10. It’s difficult to watch Morgan and Alex struggling in such terrible conditions. A charity gives them some furniture for free, but they have to live without reliable heat, TV, or telephone. They’re exhausted all the time and begin to argue about money. The couple interview people in the same situation and listen to their stories. It’s difficult to imagine, but these people have lived on the minimum wage for decades and many have children. When Alex gets sick and Morgan badly injures his wrist, they go to a free clinic but can’t see a doctor because of long lines. People there say that without free medical care they’d die. After 30 days, Morgan and Alex have spent over $1,000 more than they have earned, mostly because of the medical expenses. They are shocked. They can go back to their comfortable life in New York, but what if they couldn’t? How would they continue to survive? *At the time of Morgan and Alex’s experiment, minimum wage in the US was $5.15 an hour. Example: Morgan Spurlock wanted to discover ___. A. how life changes in 30 days # B. if you could change your life in 30 days # C. if he could live on the minimum wage 1. 30 Days on the Minimum Wage is ___. A. a TV series # B. a TV documentary # C. a drama series 2. Supersize Me was about ___. A. how eating too much junk food can be bad for you # B. poverty in the US C. the popularity of junk food # 3. Morgan Spurlock is ___. A. single # B. married # C. engaged # 4. The purpose of the experiment was to discover if Morgan and Alex could ___. A. give up their jobs B. make a movie together C. live on very little money 5. Morgan and Alex interviewed people ___. A. and told them their life story # B. who were living in the same way # C. in the same apartment building # 6. Morgan and Alex rented their apartment because ___. A. it was the only one they could find # B. it was cheap # C. it was in a good building # 7. Morgan and Alex ___ $5.15 per hour. A. both earned more than B. earned exactly C. didn’t earn more than 8. The couple had to live with ___. A. no furniture # B. a poor heating system # C. very little food 9. During the experiment, Morgan and Alex ___. A. got along very well # B. argued about junk food # C. sometimes disagreed about money # 10. Morgan and Alex weren’t able to see a doctor at the free clinic because ___. A. they hadn’t applied for free medical care # B. there were too many people waiting # C. they didn’t have insurance # 23 Đồng Ngọc Long 2013